Live Inspired…

Soulful Sunday... What Inspires You?

How do you connect to the Divine...God/Goddess...Universe...that which is greater than Self? Notice when you take a moment to you set aside time? Or do you have an ongoing conversation throughout your day? Do you pray? Meditate? Go to church and find fellowship with others? Do you take walks out in nature? Do you light candles? Do you listen to your favorite music? Do you journal? Do you sit in silence or Do you, music, poetry, passages, dance, meals....special things that did not exist until you brought it forth into the world...💗

Take a moment today to reflect on how you connect to your inspiration. What does that look like for you? We each have our own unique experience in our spiritual life. How we internalize it and then outwardly express it is also our own unique gift to this world. Today and everyday, take time to CONNECT and BE INSPIRED.
